Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dumb Detox, Days 19-21

I've been so excited about getting to add meat back into my diet that for the last 3 days I've been maybe - possibly - deliriously - happy.

Happy Meatday!  Chicken in my salad!  Chick, chick, chick chicken in my salad!  Ground turkey in my marinara!  Ground turk, turk, turkey in my marinara!  It's a B-E-A-Utiful day, isn't?

Is Bison considered a game meat?  Or does it not count because it's red?  Although, lamb is red and it counts.

(sister) Excellent question, you can eat lamb and really how different are lamb and bison?! ha!

I know, lamb and buffalo are practically synonymous!  Well, and it says all "game meats," doesn't that mean all the weird shit like lamb?  Maybe I'll wait, just in case.  They have lamb shanks and lamb loins...I wouldn't know what to do with either of those.  How cute, you can buy AH loin!  I don't even own AH loin, let alone many loins that would necessitate an entire lamb.  What am I gonna do with a lamb loin?

Hey, let's go to Sprouts to get the ingredients for the chick pea - sweet potato hippie burgers.  Then I can get some gluten free hippie bread and taste free hippie snacks!

Dude, seriously?  I think chicken gives me gas!  I put 3oz in my salad and I'm tootin' like a MoFo!  Hoping they're residual vegetable toots.  Don't want to give up chicken!  But ya know, where's the logic in that, anyway?  No one would ever say, "Vegetables give you rich, stinky gas and turn your shit green?  You should probably stop eating those!"  Although, I wish someone would.  Oh, le foof.

21 down, 7 to go!

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